Results 1 - 4 of 4
List of delinquency dispositions and associated penalties and waivers.
Category:Collateral Consequences
Resource TypeTools
OrganizationImmigrant Legal Resource Center
List of collateral consequences according to Indiana Code (IC).
Category:Collateral Consequences
Resource TypeTools
OrganizationNational Juvenile Defender Center Summit
Article explores the role of defense attorneys in communicating collateral consequences of adjudications to juveniles prior to entering plea agreements.
Category:Collateral Consequences
Resource TypeArticle
Journal or PublicationDuke Forum for Law & Social Change
Professor Janet Wettach addresses some major issues regarding collateral consequences following juvenile adjudication. She also exhorts scholars, lawyers, and policy-makers to educate themselves on the matter and to commit themselves to do their part.
Category:Collateral Consequences
Resource TypeArticle
Journal or PublicationDuke Forum for Law & Social Change
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