School Justice Partnership: National Resource Center

National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

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Collateral Consequences: Recently Updated Listings RSS

Article explores the background and practical operation of the One Strike policy; how it affects the processing of children in juvenile delinquency cases; and suggests legislative, agency, and criminal justice reforms to ameliorate the problem.

Resource Type
Journal or PublicationDuke Forum for Law & Social Change

Summary of studies that demonstrate that the best public safety outcomes coincide with the least restrictive interventions for youth, rather than more traditional approaches.

Resource Type
OrganizationNational Juvenile Justice Network

Provides attorneys, judges and other juvenile justice professionals with up to date information on the short term and long term consequences of juvenile adjudications of delinquency.

Resource Type
OrganizationDefender Association of Philadelphia

Provides current information on short and long term consequences of juvenile adjudication in PA.

Resource Type
OrganizationModels for Change

News article briefly explaining the new expungement law that took effect Jan. 1 2015 in MN.

Resource Type
OrganizationCouncil on Crime and Justice

A survey of law and policy in Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina and Florida.

Resource Type
OrganizationUNC Center for Civil Rights

The article provides background, overview of juvenile adjudication system, legislative history of ACCA.

Resource Type
Journal or PublicationDuke Forum for Law & Social Change

Summary of collateral consequences for youth in Maine.

Resource Type
OrganizationKids Legal

Article explains the importance of developmentally appropriate language for youth attending court.

Resource Type
OrganizationModels for Change

Professor Janet Wettach addresses some major issues regarding collateral consequences following juvenile adjudication. She also exhorts scholars, lawyers, and policy-makers to educate themselves on the matter and to commit themselves to do their part.

Resource Type
Journal or PublicationDuke Forum for Law & Social Change

Article explores the role of defense attorneys in communicating collateral consequences of adjudications to juveniles prior to entering plea agreements.

Resource Type
Journal or PublicationDuke Forum for Law & Social Change

List of collateral consequences according to Indiana Code (IC).

Resource Type
OrganizationNational Juvenile Defender Center Summit

Checklist provides attorneys, judges, and other juvenile justice professionals with current information on the immediate and long term consequences of juvenile adjudications of delinquency.

Resource Type
OrganizationJuvenile Justice Center

Examines research and analysis of the dramatic rise of incarceration rates and its affects. Recommends changes in sentencing policy, prison policy, and social policy to reduce the nation's reliance on incarceration.

Resource Type
OrganizationNational Research Council

List of delinquency dispositions and associated penalties and waivers.

Resource Type
OrganizationImmigrant Legal Resource Center

List of consequences for adjudicated youth in Florida.

Resource Type
OrganizationMiami-Dade Public Defender

Article examines the consequences of apprehension for immigrant youth, who are under 18 and taken into ICE custody after coming into contact with state or local law enforcement.

Resource Type
Journal or PublicationDuke Forum for Law & Social Change

A handbook for juvenile delinquency defense counsel and others who work with young people to better understand the potential impact of juvenile cases.

Resource Type
OrganizationPacific Juvenile Defender Center

Checklist for juvenile defenders to use when advising their clients on the effects of adjudication.

Resource Type
OrganizationJuvenile Defense Network

Article focuses on problem solving at the tail end of the school-to-prison pipeline, once youth have been adjudicated delinquent.

Resource Type
Journal or PublicationDuke Forum for Law & Social Change

Article explores areas of improvement so that juvenile offenders are not subsequently punished by other systems they encounter. The informed defense attorney is in an ideal position to ensure that clients are not subjected to unwarranted collateral conseq ...

Resource Type
OrganizationNational Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL...
Journal or PublicationThe Champion
Strategic Innovations Groups (SIGs)

A summary of the resource centers (CA, FL, IL, LA, MA, NJ, PA, WA) and their work.

Resource Type
OrganizationModels for Change
Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Adjudications of Delinquency

Document is meant to provide general information about the collateral consequences of juvenile adjudications.

Resource Type
OrganizationPublic Defender, State of Delaware
Criminal Justice Section Commission on Homelessness and Poverty Standing Committee on Legal Aid & Indigent Defendants Report to the House of Delegates

ABA urges all levels of government to increase the opportunities of youth involved with the juvenile or criminal justice systems, and to reduce the collateral consequences of juvenile arrests, adjudications, and convictions.

Resource Type
OrganizationAmerican Bar Association

An overview of the consequences of Colorado’s direct filing policy (prosecuting children in adult criminal courts).

Resource Type
OrganizationColorado Juvenile Defender Center

Shorter summary of the collateral consequences for juveniles in CA.

Resource Type
OrganizationPacific Juvenile Defender Center

Article describing the collateral consequences to education, public housing and employment for adjudicated youth.

Resource Type
Journal or PublicationDuke Forum for Law & Social Change

Article asserts that there are ethical and logistical questions unique to the juvenile justice process that would pose difficulties in conveying this information to juveniles.

Resource Type
Journal or PublicationNevada Law Journal

Pocket-sized tools that warn about the collateral consequences of arrest and involvement in the juvenile justice system. Used in California, Indiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.

Resource Type
OrganizationStrategies for Youth

Article highlights failures on truancy-prevention programs and advocates for youth’s right to a quality education.

Resource Type
Journal or PublicationDuke Forum for Law & Social Change

Report describes the issue of confusing language used in court proceedings, and how juveniles often have issues understanding the implications of adjudication.

Resource Type
OrganizationModels for Change

Results of a study in which juveniles who were transferred to criminal court were interviewed. Some key findings include a general unawareness of transfer laws and negative consequences derived from incarceration in adult facilities.

Resource Type
Journal or PublicationJuvenile and Family Court Journal

 National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ)

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