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Building the Right Cross-Systems Team to Support Your Diversion: The Responder Model Part 2 of 4
National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice (NCMHJJ) and the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) presented the second in a four-part webinar series on school-based juvenile justice diversion models for youth with behavioral health needs. The series provides guidance on the essential components of effective school-based diversion programs that identify and address behavioral health needs through provision of community-based services instead of referral to the juvenile justice system. The webinar identifies strategies that have worked to engage all the key stakeholders necessary to support an effective school-based diversion initiative. Experts will provide concrete suggestions on how to effectively engage the four key stakeholder groups (law enforcement, schools, families, and service providers) critical to the success of a school-based diversion program,
share knowledge about the unique needs of each stakeholder group, and provide information about how each group is best engaged.
Faculty will include: Kevin Bethel, Stoneleigh Fellow and former Deputy Commissioner of the Philadelphia Police Department; David Gollsneider, Supervisor of Special Education, Meriden Public Schools; Susan Graham, Family Engagement Specialist; and JoAnne Malloy (Clinical Assistant Professor, Institute on Disability, University of New Hampshire.
share knowledge about the unique needs of each stakeholder group, and provide information about how each group is best engaged.
Faculty will include: Kevin Bethel, Stoneleigh Fellow and former Deputy Commissioner of the Philadelphia Police Department; David Gollsneider, Supervisor of Special Education, Meriden Public Schools; Susan Graham, Family Engagement Specialist; and JoAnne Malloy (Clinical Assistant Professor, Institute on Disability, University of New Hampshire.
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National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice; National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges
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