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Updating the National District Attorneys Association National Juvenile Prosecution Standards and Juvenile Prosecution Policy Positions and Guidelines
Excerpt from website
This webinar will provide participants with an overview on how to use the discussion and information provided in developing local policy guidelines and help participants recognize juvenile prosecution as a specialized practice. Participants also will learn about alternative strategies to address juvenile justice issues beyond traditional law enforcement.
Learning Objectives:
~ Use the discussion and information provided in developing local policies and guidelines.
~ Recognize juvenile prosecution as a specialized practice in order to help prosecutors elevate the practice of juvenile law, which will result in better outcomes for our youth and our communities.
~ Prosecutors learn about alternative strategies to address juvenile justice issues beyond traditional law enforcement, including diversion programs and increased collaboration with agency partners to promote a balanced approach to juvenile justice.
This webinar will provide participants with an overview on how to use the discussion and information provided in developing local policy guidelines and help participants recognize juvenile prosecution as a specialized practice. Participants also will learn about alternative strategies to address juvenile justice issues beyond traditional law enforcement.
Learning Objectives:
~ Use the discussion and information provided in developing local policies and guidelines.
~ Recognize juvenile prosecution as a specialized practice in order to help prosecutors elevate the practice of juvenile law, which will result in better outcomes for our youth and our communities.
~ Prosecutors learn about alternative strategies to address juvenile justice issues beyond traditional law enforcement, including diversion programs and increased collaboration with agency partners to promote a balanced approach to juvenile justice.
Listing Details
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Resource Type
National Juvenile Justice Prosecution Center
Published Date
00 2017
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