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Identity Traps: Implicit Bias and Self-Threats
Excerpt from website
Identity traps are situations that trigger mental reactions which influence behaviors. Identity traps may cause us to act inconsistently with our beliefs and in ways that disadvantage already stigmatized groups. This webinar will describe the National Initiative's intervention and training efforts in its six pilot sites as they relate to the concepts of identity traps and the science of implicit bias and self-threats. The webinar will include discussions on race, policing, and the potential of research as a lever for positive change in law enforcement.
Learning Objectives:
~ Understand the concept of implicit bias as it relates to trust between communities and the criminal justice system.
~ Understand the implications of implicit bias for law enforcement decision making and public safety.
~ Gain knowledge of the National Initiative's implementation goals in the area of implicit bias in each of its six pilot sites.
Identity traps are situations that trigger mental reactions which influence behaviors. Identity traps may cause us to act inconsistently with our beliefs and in ways that disadvantage already stigmatized groups. This webinar will describe the National Initiative's intervention and training efforts in its six pilot sites as they relate to the concepts of identity traps and the science of implicit bias and self-threats. The webinar will include discussions on race, policing, and the potential of research as a lever for positive change in law enforcement.
Learning Objectives:
~ Understand the concept of implicit bias as it relates to trust between communities and the criminal justice system.
~ Understand the implications of implicit bias for law enforcement decision making and public safety.
~ Gain knowledge of the National Initiative's implementation goals in the area of implicit bias in each of its six pilot sites.
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John Jay College: The National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice
Published Date
00 2016
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