Every young person has the human right to a high quality education and to learn in a safe, respectful school environment that protects human dignity. Research has shown that punitive, zero-tolerance approaches to discipline do not prevent or reduce misbe ...

General The term developmental disability means a severe, chronic disability of an individual that 1. is attributable to a mental or physical impairment or combination of mental and physical impairments; 2. is manifested before the individual attains ...
Disciplining students, particularly those with chronic or serious behavior problems, is a longstanding challenge for educators. They must balance the needs of the school community and those of the individual student. At the heart of this challenge is the ...

Children depend on their families for support and reassurance. This is especially true following a traumatic event when a child’s belief in the safety and predictability of the world has been undermined. But trauma does not affect the child alone.The effe ...
In the nine years since Congress reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), startling growth has occurred in what is often described as the “School-to-Prison Pipeline”1 – the use of educational p ...
Article thoroughly informs lawyers representing youth about several important consequences of juvenile delinquency adjudications.
During the 2013-2014 academic year, California schools issued more suspensions than diplomas. Among suspended and expelled students, glaring racial disparities are apparent. Overwhelming numbers of students who have been suspended or expelled from school ...
"Bridgeport School Arrests, Suspensions Down” declared a July 2015 headline in the Connecticut Post.1 Communities across the United States are seeing similar results as they try to decrease “school exclusion” discipline methods such as school-based arrest ...
Excerpt from website This webinar will describe the National Initiative's implementation efforts in its six pilot sites and give background on the concepts and practices of reconciliation. In many communities where public trust in law enforcement ha ...
The National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice (NCMHJJ) and the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) for the four-part webinar series. The series will explore the fundamental components of developing effective school-b ...
AASA, The School Superintendents Association, and the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) believe that all schools should be warm, welcoming and productive places for children to learn and for teachers to teach. We believe that exclusionary discipline – suspend ...
The Justice Technology Information Center (JTIC), a component of the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center, has launched a free app to help school resource officers and administrators address school safety and incident prevention. The ...
Your student is about to start the most important year of high school - perhaps the most important year of school so far. This is the year that will set the stage for whether they will graduate and whether they will be ready for college.
This report presents the findings and recommendations of the Youth Justice Board, an after school program that engages New York City teenagers in studying public policy issues that affect young people. Since August 2012, the Youth Justice Board has focuse ...
Exert: "Imagine a world where no child has experienced a traumatic event. In this world, students experience behavioral and emotional security, teachers manage classrooms free from the toll that trauma takes on their students, and society is free fro ...
In the name of public safety, Black children in Oakland are being arrested at vastly disproportionate rates. This derails their opportunities for educational success while failing to ensure our children’s safety. From Report Card to Criminal Record: The I ...
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