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CJJR School-Justice Partnerships Certificate Program Webinar: Fostering Success for Youth At Risk
The Center for Juvenile Justice Reform at Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy (CJJR) will host a webinar on school-justice partnerships. This webinar is part of a five-part series through the Center for Coordinated Assistance to States (CCAS), a partnership between CJJR, the American Institutes for Research (AIR), and the Council for Juvenile Correctional Administrators (CJCA) sponsored by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, that provides training and technical assistance to communities involved in juvenile justice related reforms. The webinar will be an overview of the 2015 School-Justice Partnerships Certificate Program: Fostering Success for Youth At Risk to be conducted by CJJR and AIR September 28–October 2, 2015 at Georgetown University. The webinar will be followed by the opportunity for individuals and teams working within jurisdictions to apply to participate in the program.
Learning Objectives:
Discuss the issues that jurisdictions face in (a) providing youth known to, or at risk of entering, the juvenile justice system the services and supports they need to thrive in school and (b) preventing harsh disciplinary policies and practices from unnecessarily introducing youth into the juvenile justice system
Highlight the most promising practices to promote ongoing connection to school among youth at risk and to reengage students who have been disconnected, as well as strategies to shift the way schools and juvenile justice, child welfare, and other related agency and community partners work together to ensure children are connected to education and have the cross-agency supports they need to succeed
Provide a general overview of the inaugural School-Justice Partnerships: Fostering Success for Youth At Risk Certificate Program taking place at Georgetown University from September 28–October 2, 2015 that will address the above issues and best practices
Learning Objectives:
Discuss the issues that jurisdictions face in (a) providing youth known to, or at risk of entering, the juvenile justice system the services and supports they need to thrive in school and (b) preventing harsh disciplinary policies and practices from unnecessarily introducing youth into the juvenile justice system
Highlight the most promising practices to promote ongoing connection to school among youth at risk and to reengage students who have been disconnected, as well as strategies to shift the way schools and juvenile justice, child welfare, and other related agency and community partners work together to ensure children are connected to education and have the cross-agency supports they need to succeed
Provide a general overview of the inaugural School-Justice Partnerships: Fostering Success for Youth At Risk Certificate Program taking place at Georgetown University from September 28–October 2, 2015 that will address the above issues and best practices
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Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)
Published Date
00 2015
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