Exert from website: This new policy report from Futures without Violence calls for “sufficient funding to dramatically increase the creation and expansion of trauma-sensitive schools”, as one of several key recommendations about what children and youth ne ...
Exert: .... ensuring the education system operates in an effective and equitable fashion is critical for providing our nation’s youth with the opportunity and skills to succeed. While most individuals recognize the inherent value of K–12 education, t ...

The School-Police Partnerships webinar will explore how schools and police agencies can work collaboratively to improve school safety, while minimizing the use of arrest and ensuring that law enforcement officials are not responsible for enforcing minor s ...

The Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) funded the School-Based Partnerships (SBP) grant program for the purpose of partnering law enforcement agencies with schools to address crime and disorder problems in and around middle and h ...
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