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Implementing School-Based Diversion for Youth with Behavioral Health Needs: The Responder Model
The first webinar in this series of four provides an overview of two school-based diversion initiatives that emerged from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation’s Models for Change Mental Health/Juvenile Justice Action Network, and that have been shown to effectively divert youth with behavioral health needs away from the juvenile justice system.
speak to the core components of initiatives in Connecticut and Ohio
share how they are operationalized at the school and community levels
and discuss outcomes of both efforts.
Faculty include Jeana Bracey, Ph.D. (Director of School and Community Initiatives at the Child Health and Development Institute of Connecticut), Lisa Karas (Program Coordinator at the Summit County Family Resource Center), and Jeff Kretschmar, Ph.D. (Associate Professor at Case Western Reserve University). This webinar is an appropriate learning opportunity for professionals in a variety of settings, including schools, community behavioral health services, law enforcement, and juvenile justice.
speak to the core components of initiatives in Connecticut and Ohio
share how they are operationalized at the school and community levels
and discuss outcomes of both efforts.
Faculty include Jeana Bracey, Ph.D. (Director of School and Community Initiatives at the Child Health and Development Institute of Connecticut), Lisa Karas (Program Coordinator at the Summit County Family Resource Center), and Jeff Kretschmar, Ph.D. (Associate Professor at Case Western Reserve University). This webinar is an appropriate learning opportunity for professionals in a variety of settings, including schools, community behavioral health services, law enforcement, and juvenile justice.
Listing Details
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www.ncmhjj.com/jjtpa/resources/archived-webinars/(1359 visits)
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National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice
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