School Justice Partnership: National Resource Center

National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

504 plan

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Resource Topic: 504 plan

All children and youth have a human right to quality public education in safe and supportive learning environments. Such an education provides a foundation for access to higher education, meaningful employment and full participation in society. Although a ...

Resource Type
OrganizationDignity in Schools
Civil Rights Data Collection - Data Snapshot: School Discipline

Resource Type
OrganizationU.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights
Journal or PublicationSchool Discipline Issue No. 1
Collecting Data and Sharing Information to Improve School-Justice Partnerships

Juvenile courts nationwide handle cases referred by schools for truancy or behavioral incidents. Since 2012, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) have trained jurisdictions on strategies and policies to reduce the number of re ...

Resource Type
OrganizationNational Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges
Journal or PublicationPublication

In 2005-2006, juvenile justice professionals in Pennsylvania’s 67 counties were assessed to determine their current aftercare practices. As a result of this assessment, this Toolkit was written in 2006 to address one of their main areas of concern: helpin ...

Resource Type
OrganizationEducation Law Center - PA
The School Discipline Consensus Report: Strategies from the Field to Keep Students Engaged in School and Out of the Juvenile Justice System

RESEARCH AND DATA ON SCHOOL DISCIPLINE practices are clear: millions of students are being removed from their classrooms each year, mostly in middle and high schools, and overwhelmingly for minor misconduct. When suspended, these students are at a signif ...

Resource Type
OrganizationJustice Center The Council of State Governments
What can be done at school to help a traumatized child?

This document provides a list of simple and straightforward strategies educators can use to accommodate a traumatized child in the school setting. It also teaches educators how to determine when traumatic stress reactions are severe enough to merit a refe ...

Resource Type
OrganizationThe National Child Traumatic Stress Network

 National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ)

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