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El Paso County
Population characteristics (2014)
Count | White | Black | American Indian | Asian | Hispanic | Non-Hispanic | Total |
Male | 287,769 | 29,734 | 5,488 | 11,693 | 54,644 | 280,040 | 334,684 |
Female | 282,557 | 25,904 | 5,469 | 14,905 | 53,222 | 275,613 | 328,835 |
Total | 570,326 | 55,638 | 10,957 | 26,598 | 107,866 | 555,653 | 663,519 |
- El Paso County has a total of 27 public school districts, and consists of 209 schools serving 110,001 students.
- Lead Judge: Hon. Jessica Curtis.
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