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The Nature of Crime by School Resource Officers: Implications for SRO Programs
School resource officers (SROs) have become a permanent presence in many K-12 schools throughout the country. As a result, an emerging body of research has focused on SROs, particularly on how SROs are viewed by students, teachers, and the general public. This exploratory and descriptive research uses a different focus by examining the nature of crimes for which SROs were arrested in recent years with information gathered from online news sources. The current findings are encouraging insofar as they reveal that SROs are rarely arrested for criminal misconduct. When SROs were arrested, however, they are most often arrested for a sex-related offense involving a female adolescent. These sex-related incidents
generally occurred away from school property or during non-school hours and rarely involved the use of physical force. The implications of these findings for SRO programs are discussed.
generally occurred away from school property or during non-school hours and rarely involved the use of physical force. The implications of these findings for SRO programs are discussed.
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sgo.sagepub.com/content/4/1/2158244014521821(1650 visits)
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Journal or Publication
Sage Open
Philip Matthew Stinson Sr. and Adam M. Watkins
Published Date
00 2014
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