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The Pillars of 21st Century Youth-focused Policing
The Final Report of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing points out how the mission of law enforcement is “to build trust between citizens and their peace officers so that all components of a community are treating one another fairly and justly and are invested in maintaining public safety in an atmosphere of mutual respect.”1 One of the keys to building trust in communities is more effective relations between law enforcement agencies and young people.
The Final Report of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing points out how the mission of law enforcement is “to build trust between citizens and their peace officers so that all components of a community are treating one another fairly and justly and are invested in maintaining public safety in an atmosphere of mutual respect.”1 One of the keys to building trust in communities is more effective relations between law enforcement agencies and young people.
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John Rosiak
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