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Bringing Attendance Home: Engaging Parents in Preventing Chronic Absence
Every year, as many as 7.5 million students nationwide are chronically absent, meaning they
miss 10 percent or more of the school year for any reason, excused or unexcused. That level of
absenteeism predicts poor academic performance as early as preschool and is a warning sign
that a high school student will drop out. New research suggests that chronic absence predicts
whether a student will finish college. The discipline and determination to get to school every day
builds a habit that helps a student persist and succeed in college. The good news is that chronic
absence can be reduced when schools work with families and communities to debunk common
myths about attendance, build a culture of going to school or preschool every day and address
barriers to getting to class.
miss 10 percent or more of the school year for any reason, excused or unexcused. That level of
absenteeism predicts poor academic performance as early as preschool and is a warning sign
that a high school student will drop out. New research suggests that chronic absence predicts
whether a student will finish college. The discipline and determination to get to school every day
builds a habit that helps a student persist and succeed in college. The good news is that chronic
absence can be reduced when schools work with families and communities to debunk common
myths about attendance, build a culture of going to school or preschool every day and address
barriers to getting to class.
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Attendance Works
Published Date
00 2015
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