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Addressing the Root Causes of Disparities in School Discipline: An Educator’s Action Planning Guide
Exert from website:
"This planning guide provides a rationale for addressing disparities in school discipline and discusses core issues related to disparities. It is organized into three stages: Digging Into the Data, Getting at the Roots of Disparities, and Creating an Action Plan"
For additional resources visit: http://safesupportivelearning.ed.gov/addressing-root-causes-disparities-school-discipline
"This planning guide provides a rationale for addressing disparities in school discipline and discusses core issues related to disparities. It is organized into three stages: Digging Into the Data, Getting at the Roots of Disparities, and Creating an Action Plan"
For additional resources visit: http://safesupportivelearning.ed.gov/addressing-root-causes-disparities-school-discipline
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U.S. Department of Education
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