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Trauma among Girls in the Juvenile Justice System
Despite falling crime rates, more adolescent girls are arrested and incarcerated in the United States today than ever before (NMHA, 2003). Nearly three-quarters of a million girls below the age of 18
were arrested in 1997, accounting for 26 percent of juvenile arrests. In the 1990s, the number of juvenile females arrested for violent crime index offenses increased 25 percent, although there were no increases for male juveniles for the same offenses. The growing number of girls in the juvenile justice system and the high rates of exposure to violence among these girls pose special challenges and obligations for the juvenile justice facilities and programs.
were arrested in 1997, accounting for 26 percent of juvenile arrests. In the 1990s, the number of juvenile females arrested for violent crime index offenses increased 25 percent, although there were no increases for male juveniles for the same offenses. The growing number of girls in the juvenile justice system and the high rates of exposure to violence among these girls pose special challenges and obligations for the juvenile justice facilities and programs.
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The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Marianne Hennessey, Julian D. Ford, Karen Mahoney, Susan J. Ko, and Christine B. Siegfried
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