The juvenile justice system in America is a paradox when it comes to promoting the welfare of our nation’s young people. We have come a long way from old English common law which treated children as adults under the "vicious will” doctrine,1 to creating j ...
This toolkit provides a step-by-step guide for implementing some of the core principles and activities of the full SBDI initiative. A simple-to-use checklist is included to guide you through implementation of key SBDI elements. There are self-assessment q ...

Despite falling crime rates, more adolescent girls are arrested and incarcerated in the United States today than ever before (NMHA, 2003). Nearly three-quarters of a million girls below the age of 18 were arrested in 1997, accounting for 26 percent of ju ...
What is Truancy? Truancy is generally considered any unexcused or unverified absence from school. Because states enact their own school attendance laws, the legal definition of truancy may vary from state to state.
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