Keywords: posttraumatic stress disorde

Screening and assessment of traumatic stress and its psychosocial after-effects play an important role in a trauma-informed juvenile justice system. Trauma exposure and its negative consequences are highly prevalent among justice-involved youth. For examp ...

This Brief describes how partnerships developed by Network members and police agencies are helping to create a trauma-informed law enforcement system.

Therapeutic treatment of the psychosocial after-effects of childhood exposure to traumatic stressors is a key component in the development of trauma-informed juvenile justice systems (Kerig, 2012). More than 80% of juvenile justice-involved youth report a ...

Child trauma is endemic in the juvenile justice system. At least 75% of youth involved in the juvenile delinquency system have experienced traumatic victimization, and 1111–50% have developed posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Many of these young peopl ...
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