Excerpt: Cops in schools: It's a contentious issue in contemporary American society. School administrators and law-enforcement partners are concerned about it. But other partners—including teachers, counselors, other school staff members, and parents— ...
Excerpt: This resource is intended to help educators understand how they might address the interplay of race and trauma and its effects on students in the classroom. After defining key terms, the guide outlines recommendations for educators and offers ...
Excerpt from website Continuing the efforts of the Federal Supportive School Discipline Initiative, the U.S. Departments of Justice and Education* are pleased to announce the next event in the 2014 Supportive School Discipline (SSD) Webinar Series. T ...
Excerpt from website This second Webinar in the joint U.S. Departments of Education, Justice, and Health and Human Services Supportive School Discipline (SSD) Webinar Series provides the knowledge that school, district, residential facility, and cour ...
Excerpt from website Leading up to the most recent school tragedy and the subsequent call for increasing the number of school resource officers (SROs), growing evidence indicates the need for (1) improved school climate and (2) supportive school disc ...
Excerpt: The Averted School Attacks Data Collection Platform seeks to improve the amount of information pertaining to averted school attacks as a part of the data systems enhancement efforts that stem from the Comprehensive School Safety Initiative. T ...
Resource provides a list of collateral consequences and informs court actors about the long-term implications of juvenile court adjudication.
Excerpt: School-based police officers, known as school resource officers (SROs), have become a common and growing presence in schools across the nation. The presence of law enforcement in school, while intended to increase school safety, has also been ...
Excerpt from website Restorative justice is an effective, evidence-based practice, focused on understanding the roles of victim, offender and community in the restorative process. In this OJJDP-sponsored Webinar, presenters share restorative practices ...
National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice (NCMHJJ) and the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) presented the second in a four-part webinar series on school-based juvenile justice diversion models for youth with behav ...

Brochure with suggestions for youth on their rights and what to do if they are charged with a crime.

Research suggests that approximately 25% of American children will experience at least one traumatic event by the age of 16. A child's reactions to trauma can interfere considerably with learning and/or behavior at school. However, schools also serve as a ...

Juvenile courts nationwide handle cases referred by schools for truancy or behavioral incidents. Since 2012, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) have trained jurisdictions on strategies and policies to reduce the number of re ...
"This report aims to make transparent the rates at which school discipline practices and policies impact Black students in every K-12 public school district in 13 Southern states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nor ...

Throughout the 1990s, the rise of zero-tolerance school discipline policies resulted in the widespread adoption of strict and mandatory responses for a large range of misbehavior in school. An unintended consequence of these policies and practices were yo ...
Excerpt: Research shows that youth who have supportive caregivers have better outcomes than youth with less supportive caregivers. This is true across the juvenile justice, child welfare, behavioral health, and education systems. Youth whose caregiver ...
Discipline Disparities: A Research-to-Practice Collaborative All schools must be safe places for all members of the learning community. Schools have the right and indeed the responsibility to develop safe school climates to protect the safety of studen ...
The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, in partnership with the National Association of School Boards of Education and supported by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's School Justice Collaboration Program, present ...
Excerpt: This Toolkit provides practical tools and resources to assist law enforcement agencies in building or enhancing effective operational responses to children exposed to violence (with or without a mental health partner). This toolkit contains t ...
Article thoroughly informs lawyers representing youth about several important consequences of juvenile delinquency adjudications.
"Bridgeport School Arrests, Suspensions Down” declared a July 2015 headline in the Connecticut Post.1 Communities across the United States are seeing similar results as they try to decrease “school exclusion” discipline methods such as school-based arrest ...
Excerpt from website This webinar will describe the National Initiative's implementation efforts in its six pilot sites and give background on the concepts and practices of reconciliation. In many communities where public trust in law enforcement ha ...
The Justice Technology Information Center (JTIC), a component of the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center, has launched a free app to help school resource officers and administrators address school safety and incident prevention. The ...
In the name of public safety, Black children in Oakland are being arrested at vastly disproportionate rates. This derails their opportunities for educational success while failing to ensure our children’s safety. From Report Card to Criminal Record: The I ...
Excerpt from website Identity traps are situations that trigger mental reactions which influence behaviors. Identity traps may cause us to act inconsistently with our beliefs and in ways that disadvantage already stigmatized groups. This webinar wil ...
The first webinar in this series of four provides an overview of two school-based diversion initiatives that emerged from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation’s Models for Change Mental Health/Juvenile Justice Action Network, and that have be ...
Excerpt from website In early childhood settings across the country, professionals understand that young children need to be taught social and emotional skills just like they need to be taught math and reading. When children are impacted by stress a ...
Excerpt - There has also been little research on how youth behaviors and decision-making influence police–youth contact (Brunson and Weitzer 2011), or on how officers’ concerns for community safety and their own safety influence these interactions. ...
Steve Teske doesn’t hold back. He’s a Southern judge, with the boom and flair of a preacher, who has risen to national prominence arguing that too many students get arrested or kicked out of school for minor trouble. “Zero tolerance is zero intelligen ...
Large numbers of youth involved with the juvenile justice system have significant mental health and substance abuse issues. Many of these youth could be better served in community settings, and juvenile court judges can lead or support community efforts ...

The zero tolerance policies that were adopted by many local and state education agencies in the 1990s had the unintended effect of unnecessarily introducing low-risk youth to the juvenile justice system for disruptive behaviors that are very typical of ad ...
Excerpt: The “school-to-prison pipeline,” a term that has garnered a great deal of attention in recent years, describes the direct link between exclusionary school discipline practices and students’ subsequent involvement in the juvenile justice syste ...
Excerpt from website As a result of the growing body of evidence demonstrating the alarming relationship between widespread school suspensions and expulsions and involvement in the justice system, today’s schools, courts, and communities require new ...
Excerpt: Several high-profile incidents of violence at U.S. schools have, understandably, raised concerns about the safety of students while at school. Just one incident of violence causes significant harm. In light of this, it is important to examine ...
U.S. Department of Education Office of Communications & Outreach, Press Office 400 Maryland Ave., S.W. Washington, D.C. 20202 FOR RELEASE: Sept. 8, 2016 CONTACT: Press Office, (202) 401-1576 or press@ed.gov Obama Administration Releases R ...
For schools and districts across the U.S., family engagement (1) is rapidly shifting from a low-priority recommendation to an integral part of education reform efforts. Family engagement has long been enshrined in policy at the federal level through Title ...
The National Mentoring Resource Center funded by the Office of Juvenile and Justice Delinquency Prevention and in partnership with MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership hosted the webinar “Partnerships Drive Success: Using Cross-Sector Collaborations ...
RECORDING WILL BE AVAILABLE AT A LATER DATE: - PLEASE CHECK BACK. Sponsored by the NCCTS Policy Program and the NCTSN Policy Task Force. This webinar is co-sponsored by the NCTSN Schools Committee. In this webinar experts will explore policy challenge ...
Exert: "As state policymakers strive to provide students with equal educational opportunities, they must look beyond test scores and graduation rates to assess the school environment more broadly, and particularly the role of discipline policies and p ...
Excerpt from website This Webinar was the fourth in NDTAC's 2012-2013 Webinar series, Tailoring Academic and Behavioral Support Services for Youth. NDTAC Director Simon Gonsoulin opened the Webinar with an overview of NDTAC’s work and the context o ...
The Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center has released a new report "Realizing the Full Vision of School Discipline Reform: A Framework for Statewide Change," which documents how five states have reduced their reliance on suspensions while mov ...

Many schools across the United States have enacted zero tolerance philosophy in response to perceived increases in violence and drugs in schools. It is believed that aggressive and unwavering punishment of many school infractions, including relatively min ...
Severe trauma in children causes toxic stress in kids, which can damage the brain and lead to the child being put in a flight, fight, or fright mode that is physiologically impossible to learn in. Being a trauma-informed school means shifting the discipli ...
Severe trauma in children causes toxic stress in kids, which can damage the brain and lead to the child being put in a flight, fight, or fright mode that is physiologically impossible to learn in. Being a trauma-informed school means shifting the discipli ...
"Oakland unified is no different than many urban districts struggling with the repercussions of zero-tolerance policies and related teacher and staff practices that for decades have failed our students of color. The complex web of policies, practices and ...
Excerpt from website This sixth Webinar in the 2014 series, School Discipline Laws and Regulations will be held on June 11, 2014, at 3:30 p.m. ET. This 90-minute Webinar will provide an in-depth review of the Compendium of School Discipline Laws and R ...
The third webinar in this series of four provides strategies for identifying youth who are both at risk of juvenile justice system referral from the school setting and who may have behavioral health needs. On this webinar, experts will discuss the most ef ...
Excerpt: "The Center for Health and Health Care in Schools has a core focus on the important work of connecting schools to resources and organizations that can improve health outcomes of students. There are many different partners in our communities t ...
Excerpt from website This is the third Webinar in the 2014 series, Guiding Principle 1: Fostering Positive School Climate to Prevent Behavioral Issues and Promote Student Success. This 90-minute Webinar provides an in-depth review of Guiding Principle ...

This is the third Webinar in the 2014 series, Guiding Principle 1: Fostering Positive School Climate to Prevent Behavioral Issues and Promote Student Success. This 90-minute Webinar provides an in-depth review of Guiding Principle #1 as outlined within th ...
Excerpt from website This fifth Webinar in the 2014 series, Guiding Principle 3: Equity and Continuous Improvement will be held on April 29, 2014, at 3:30 p.m. ET. This 90-minute Webinar will provide an in-depth review of Guiding Principle #3 as ou ...
The Let Her Learn Survey revealed that more than 1 in 5 girls have been sexually assaulted, while 1 in 3 girls reported either sexual assault or other violence. As a result of educational barriers, girls are being pushed out of school. There was an increa ...
Excerpt from website This webinar will describe recent research demonstrating the particular salience of procedural justice to juveniles, a group that has frequent contact with the criminal justice system and whose orientation toward the law is still ...

Prior to the passage of the Gun Free Zone Act of 1994 (GFZA), school administrators and educators were largely responsible for addressing students' misbehavior in school. However, since the implementation of GFZA, there has been an increasing number of sc ...
Excerpt from website There are many ways to provide effective services to youth while working to reduce Disproportionate Contact (DMC). In this OJJDP-sponsored Webinar, presenters highlight restorative justice practices implemented at various points ...
Please join the International Association of Chiefs of Police, in partnership with the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges and supported by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's School Justice Collaboration Program i ...
The last webinar in this series of four addresses the crucial role that embedding structural supports such as memorandums of agreement (MOAs), graduated sanction grids, and trainings into the diversion initiative will play in the success and sustainabilit ...
Excerpt from website This 90-minute Webinar, the seventh in a series from the Supportive School Discipline Initiative, examines the impact of exposure to trauma on student behavior, discusses how some discipline responses can traumatize or re-traum ...
Excerpt from website This webinar will provide participants with an overview on how to use the discussion and information provided in developing local policy guidelines and help participants recognize juvenile prosecution as a specialized practice. P ...
Excerpt from website This Webinar provides the knowledge that school, district, and court staff, law enforcement and legal personnel, youth, families, and other community stakeholders need to better understand how the use of youth courts in schools c ...
Excerpt from website This Webinar provides the knowledge that school, district, and court staff, law enforcement and legal personnel, youth, families, and other community stakeholders need to better understand how the use of youth courts in schools ...
Excerpt: "Suspensions, expulsions, and school-based arrests are used too often in our schools and disproportionately impact students of color. According to data from the U.S. Department of Education, during the 2013-2014 school year, Black K-12 studen ...
Exert from website: "Restorative Justice Practices in U.S. Schools Restorative justice is an approach to offending behavior that focuses on repairing harm and restoring relationships, rather than just punishing the perpetrator. Schools are increasi ...
Discipline Disparities: A Research-to-Practice Collaborative Recent national tragedies—the deaths of Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, and Tamir Rice keep issues of race at the forefront of our national consciousness. As much as we try to lo ...
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