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Policy Update: State Policy's Role in Reversing Trend toward Punitive Discipline
"As state policymakers strive to provide students with equal educational opportunities, they must look beyond test scores and graduation rates to assess the school environment more broadly, and particularly the role of discipline policies and practices within it. By backing efforts to provide students academic and social supports and by strengthening educators’ capacity to create environments where all students can learn, school discipline reform policy holds promise for keeping students in school and on track to pursue college and careers."
"As state policymakers strive to provide students with equal educational opportunities, they must look beyond test scores and graduation rates to assess the school environment more broadly, and particularly the role of discipline policies and practices within it. By backing efforts to provide students academic and social supports and by strengthening educators’ capacity to create environments where all students can learn, school discipline reform policy holds promise for keeping students in school and on track to pursue college and careers."
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Resource Type
National Association of State Boards of Education
Journal or Publication
Kimberly Charis and Geanette Foster
Published Date
00 2016
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