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A District’s Use of Data and Research to In form Policy Formation and Im plementation
Exert from publication:
A mid-sized urban district in the Northeast and Islands Region formulated and implemented a
new discipline policy using data and research. To do so, the district examined a national report
on districtwide suspension rates, conducted a detailed analysis of internal data, compared
suspension rates with those of other urban districts, and consulted research on the relationship
between out-of-school suspensions and academic outcomes. A 50-person task force used the
research, data, as well as policies to draft a new discipline policy, the Code of Conduct,
Character and Support. In addition to articulating expectations for student conduct and
providing guidance about how to address various discipline infractions, they wrote the policy to
support uniform implementation of the new policy across the district and to improve the quality
of data on student discipline. The school board approved the new policy, and the district not
only trained staff on its content but also put in place structures and data systems to support its
A mid-sized urban district in the Northeast and Islands Region formulated and implemented a
new discipline policy using data and research. To do so, the district examined a national report
on districtwide suspension rates, conducted a detailed analysis of internal data, compared
suspension rates with those of other urban districts, and consulted research on the relationship
between out-of-school suspensions and academic outcomes. A 50-person task force used the
research, data, as well as policies to draft a new discipline policy, the Code of Conduct,
Character and Support. In addition to articulating expectations for student conduct and
providing guidance about how to address various discipline infractions, they wrote the policy to
support uniform implementation of the new policy across the district and to improve the quality
of data on student discipline. The school board approved the new policy, and the district not
only trained staff on its content but also put in place structures and data systems to support its
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Education Development Center, Inc.
Andrew Seager, John Madura, Joshua Cox, and Rebecca Carey
Published Date
00 2015
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