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Federal Policy, ESEA Reauthorization, and the School-to-Prison Pipeline
In the nine years since Congress reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), startling growth has occurred in what is often described as the “School-to-Prison Pipeline”1 – the use of educational policies and practices that have the effect of pushing students, especially students of color and students with disabilities, out of schools and toward the juvenile and criminal justice systems. This phenomenon has proved incredibly damaging to students, families, and communities. It has also proved tremendously costly, not only in terms of lost human potential but also in dollars, as states struggle with the soaring costs of police, courts, and incarceration amidst continuing economic difficulties. Yet far too little emphasis is being placed upon the pipeline crisis, its causes, and its consequences within most of the
discussion around federal education policy and the reauthorization of the ESEA.
discussion around federal education policy and the reauthorization of the ESEA.
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Advancement Project, Education Law Center, FairTest, Forum for Education and Democracy, Juvenile Law Center, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.
Published Date
00 2011
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