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Supportive School Discipline Snapshots from the Safe Schools/Healthy Students Initiative
In the early 1990s, many schools adopted zero tolerance policies, which mandate the use of specific disciplinary consequences—often severe and punitive—in an effort to increase school safety. Originally designed to reduce weapon-carrying in schools, these policies have been expanded in many school districts to include bullying, fighting, the use of alcohol and other drugs, swearing, and inappropriate dress, leading to significant increases in student suspensions and expulsions. However, recent research is questioning the effectiveness of zero tolerance policies in increasing school safety, and identifies many negative consequences of zero tolerance for students, including school disengagement, failure, and dropout.
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balanced and restorative justice (BARJ), behavioral health, collaboration, courts, data, evaluation, evidence based program (EBP), expulsion, juvenile delinquent, law enforcement, mental health, pathways to juvenile justice, pipeline, police, school counselors, school discipline, school resource officers, suspension, zero tolerance, juvenile justice, special education
Education Development Center, Inc.
Carol Bershad and Jennifer Kitson
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