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Supporting Student Achievement through Sound Behavior Management Practices in Schools and Juvenile Justice Facilities: A Spotlight on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Many students across the Nation struggle with emotional and behavioral problems that may lead them to act out in ways that school administrators and teachers might not understand or be prepared to respond to effectively. In today’s era of highstakes testing, zero-tolerance discipline measures, and shrinking school and district budgets, there is an incentive to remove problem students from the classroom rather than devote the time and resources necessary to address the underlying causes of the behavior. These punitive disciplinary practices negatively affect the academic performance and achievement of students with behavioral problems
by temporarily removing them from needed classroom
instruction time.
by temporarily removing them from needed classroom
instruction time.
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The National Evaluation and Technical Assistance Center
Nicholas Read and Stephanie Lampron
Published Date
00 2012
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