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Educational Aftercare & Reintegration Toolkit for Juvenile Justice Professionals
In 2005-2006, juvenile justice professionals in Pennsylvania’s 67 counties were assessed to determine their current aftercare practices. As a result of this assessment, this Toolkit was written in 2006 to address one of their main areas of concern: helping youth returning from placement reintegrate back into school. The Education Law Center (ELC) worked with the Aftercare Specialists from the Juvenile Court Judges’ Commission (JCJC) and the Pennsylvania Council of Chief
Juvenile Probation Officers (Chief’s Council) to develop the content of the Toolkit and publish it with financial support from
the MacArthur Foundation.
Juvenile Probation Officers (Chief’s Council) to develop the content of the Toolkit and publish it with financial support from
the MacArthur Foundation.
Listing Details
Link to Original Source
www.modelsforchange.net/publications/225(1479 visits)
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Education Law Center - PA
Jennifer Lowman
Published Date
00 2009
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