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Keeping Kids In School and Out of Court: Report and Recommendations
As the education of our children – our nation’s future – and the school-justice connection has increasingly captured public attention, the sunshine of increased graduation rates has brought into sharp focus the shadow of the so-called school-to-prison pipeline – the thousands of students who are suspended, arrested, put at greater risk for dropping out, court involvement and incarceration. They are the subject of this Report.
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balanced and restorative justice (BARJ), behavioral health, collaboration, courts, data, disproportionality, diversion, evaluation, evidence based program (EBP), expulsion, graduation, juvenile court judge, mental health, out-of-school suspension, pathways to juvenile justice, pipeline, police, school arrest, school discipline, school-justice partnership, suspension, truancy, zero tolerance, juvenile justice, special education
New York State Permanent Judicial Commission on Justice for Children
New York
Published Date
00 2013
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