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From Absent to Present: Reducing Teen Chronic Absenteeism in New York City
This report presents the findings and recommendations of the Youth Justice Board, an after school program that engages New York City teenagers in studying public policy issues that affect young people. Since August 2012, the Youth Justice Board has focused on reducing chronic absenteeism among teenagers in the city. This issue is important to Board members because it affects so many teens: citywide, about one in three students is considered “chronically absent,” missing 10 percent or more of the school year. This report presents ideas about how different individuals and institutions can work together to improve attendance rates citywide. In the 2013-
14 program year, the Board will work to implement many of the ideas contained in this report. The Board’s ultimate goal is to improve attendance and the overall school experience for young people in New York City.
14 program year, the Board will work to implement many of the ideas contained in this report. The Board’s ultimate goal is to improve attendance and the overall school experience for young people in New York City.
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Center for Court Innovation
Youth Justice Board
New York
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