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The Intersection of Juvenile Courts and Exclusionary School
Prior to the passage of the Gun Free Zone Act of 1994 (GFZA), school administrators and educators were largely responsible for addressing students' misbehavior in school. However, since the implementation of GFZA, there has been an increasing number of school-related issues have come before the juvenile court due to highly punitive school policies and practices. Zero-tolerance policies and exclusionary discipline have led to what is commonly referred to as school pathways to juvenile justice. This Technical Assistance Bulletin describes the history of zero tolerance policies, exclusionary discipline, and school push out. This Bulletin describes how the effectiveness of exclusionary discipline has been called into question by education scholars, community leaders, and policymakers. The Bulletin provides real-world strategies to reduce the number of youth who unnecessarily come into contact with law enforcement and the juvenile justice system.
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data, disproportionality, diversion, graduation, individuals with disabilities act (IDEA), in-school suspension, law enforcement, learning disability, mental health, out-of-school suspension, pathways to juvenile justice, school discipline, school resource officers, school-justice partnership, suspension, trauma, zero tolerance, school based diversion, juvenile justice
School Justice Partnership; National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ)
Journal or Publication
J. Guillermo Villalobos, MA; Theresa Bohannan, MPH
Published Date
00 2017
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